Ludger Pries
5 Publications
Comparing contexts, institutions and periods of the Émigrés' arrival and possible return
in: European and Latin American social scientists as refugees, Émigrés and return‐migrants, Basingstoke,

European and Latin American social scientists as refugees, Émigrés and return‐migrants
Ludger Pries, Pablo Yankelevich (eds)
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Exile dynamics and impacts of European social scientists since the 1930s
transnational lives and travelling theories at El colegio de México and the New school for social research in New York
in: European and Latin American social scientists as refugees, Émigrés and return‐migrants, Basingstoke,
Internationale Migration und die Herausforderungen von Braindrain und Braingain
in: Dabeisein und Dazugehören, Berlin,
5 Publications