Catalogue > Serials > Book Series > Book

Publication details

Publisher: Seminar Press

Place: New York City

Year: 1973

Pages: 7-205

Series: Studies in language

ISBN (Undefined): 9780129301509

Full citation:

Valentin Vološinov, Marxism and the philosophy of language, New York City, Seminar Press, 1973

Marxism and the philosophy of language

Valentin Vološinov

pp. 7-205

Studies in language | 1

Seminar Press


Publication details

Publisher: Seminar Press

Place: New York City

Year: 1973

Pages: 7-205

Series: Studies in language

ISBN (Undefined): 9780129301509

Full citation:

Valentin Vološinov, Marxism and the philosophy of language, New York City, Seminar Press, 1973