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Publication details

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Place: Basingstoke

Year: 2007

Series: Language, Discourse, Society

ISBN (Hardback): 9781349541294

ISBN (eBook): 9780230287860

Full citation:

Richard Robinson, Narratives of the European border, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Narratives of the European border

a history of nowhere

Richard Robinson

Language, Discourse, Society | 1

Palgrave Macmillan



Richard Robinson examines the representation of shifting European borders in twentieth-century narrative, drawing together an unusual grouping of texts from different national canons and comparing the various ways that fictional settings transmute European placelessness into narrative.

Cited authors

Publication details

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Place: Basingstoke

Year: 2007

Series: Language, Discourse, Society

ISBN (Hardback): 9781349541294

ISBN (eBook): 9780230287860

Full citation:

Richard Robinson, Narratives of the European border, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007