Catalogue > Serials > Journal > Journal Issue > Journal article

Publication details

Year: 2001

Pages: 221-253

Series: Synthese

Full citation:

Gérard B. Vreeswijk, "Eight dialectic benchmarks discussed by two artificial localist disputors", Synthese 127, 2001, pp. 221-253.

Eight dialectic benchmarks discussed by two artificial localist disputors

Gérard B. Vreeswijk

pp. 221-253

in: Synthese 127, 2001.


Dispute types can roughly be divided in two classes. One class in whichthe notion of justification is fundamental, and one in which thenotion of opposition is fundamental. Further, for every singledispute type there exist various types of protocols to conduct such adispute. Some protocols permit local search (a process in which oneis allowed to justify claims partially, with the possibility to extendjustifications on request later), while other protocols rely on globalsearch (a process in which only entire arguments count as justifications).This paper integrates the two above-mentioned types of dispute withthe use of a protocol that permits local search. The locality aspect isrelatively new to computer scientists, while the detailed computationalelaboration of the approach is relatively new to philosophical logicians.The proposed protocol is demonstrated with the help of eight benchmarks.These benchmarks are centered around the problem that co-concludingarguments sometimes accrue, and sometimes do not.

Publication details

Year: 2001

Pages: 221-253

Series: Synthese

Full citation:

Gérard B. Vreeswijk, "Eight dialectic benchmarks discussed by two artificial localist disputors", Synthese 127, 2001, pp. 221-253.