Catalogue > Serials > Book Series > Edited Book

Publication details

Publisher: Blackwell

Place: Oxford

Year: 1998

Series: Blackwell Companions to Philosophy

ISBN (Hardback): 9781782687641

Full citation:

Simon Critchley, William Schroeder (eds), A companion to continental philosophy, Oxford, Blackwell, 1998

A companion to continental philosophy

Edited by
Simon Critchley, William Schroeder

Blackwell Companions to Philosophy | 1




Covering the complete development of post-Kantian Continental philosophy, this volume serves as an essential reference work for philosophers and those engaged in the many disciplines that are integrally related to Continental and European Philosophy.

Publication details

Publisher: Blackwell

Place: Oxford

Year: 1998

Series: Blackwell Companions to Philosophy

ISBN (Hardback): 9781782687641

Full citation:

Simon Critchley, William Schroeder (eds), A companion to continental philosophy, Oxford, Blackwell, 1998