Publication details
Year: 2019
Series: Dialogue and universalism
Full citation:
Philosophy in an age of crisis, part I, Dialogue and universalism 29 (1), 2019.
Philosophy in an age of crisis, part I
Resisting nihilism since 1989
keynote address to the 12th world congress of the international society for universal dialogue, Lima, Peru
Charles S. BROWN
On thinking globally and acting locally
resurgent nationalism and the dialectic of cosmopolitan localism
Andrew Fiala
The role of Marxian alienation theory in Marx's relational-dynamic philosophy of social being
Jozef L. Krakowiak
Freedom, self-determination and automation
considering political impulses in the age of digitalization
Jean A. Campbell
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me
the alleged prisoner's dilemma in Hobbes's social contract
Necip Fikri Alican
Beyond capitalism and Marxism
towards a new theory of African development
Oyeshile, Omotayo Oladebo