Two applications of dynamic constructivism
Brouwer's continuity principle and choice sequences in formal topology
pp. 301-315
in: Pascal Boldini, Michel Bourdeau, Gerhard Heinzmann (eds), One hundred years of intuitionism (1907–2007), Berlin, Springer, 2008Abstract
We are here to celebrate a master, namely L. E. J. Brouwer, and one hundred years from the birth of his intuitionism. I believe that the best way to keep Brouwer alive is to try and go beyond Brouwer himself. That is why it seems proper to start with this interesting quote from Leonardo da Vinci. To go beyond Brouwer means to learn his lesson, but also try to fix his mistakes and to soften (in ourselves) some hardness in his personality. And in this way to keep him alive. To confine Brouwer into the prison of what he has materially written, would mean to kill him (again).