Filtered through the lenses of self
experiences of two preservice music teachers
pp. 87-106
in: Margaret S. Barrett, Sandra L. Stauffer (eds), Narrative inquiry in music education, Berlin, Springer, 2009Abstract
In this study, I explored ways in which two preservice music teachers' views of themselves operated as personalised lenses for their teaching and learning experiences. I observed and talked with the participants throughout an academic year as they interacted with university and public school instructors, peers, family members, and public school students. Focusing on events and ideas they emphasised in our conversations, I constructed narratives to highlight ways in which self-views filtered their experiences and influenced their actions. Both general teacher educators (Feiman-Nemser, 2001; Pajares, 1992; Richardson, 1996; Wideen, Mayer- Smith, & Moon, 1998) and music teacher educators (Kokoski, 1991; Kukanauza, 2001; Schmidt, 1998; Snyder, 1997; Stegman, 2001) have reported that preservice teachers' ideas and beliefs can exert powerful effects on teaching behaviours.