Layering analytic lenses
considerations for assessing the narrative text in music education – a commentary
pp. 107-112
in: Margaret S. Barrett, Sandra L. Stauffer (eds), Narrative inquiry in music education, Berlin, Springer, 2009Abstract
Kaye Ferguson uses narrative inquiry to present the stories of two preservice music teachers. Her specific interest is in exploring how participants' self-views and beliefs filtered their teaching and learning experiences and influenced action. According to Connelly&Clandinin (2006), story is the portal by which one's experience of the world is interpreted and made personally meaningful (p. 477). Experience can be explored and presented as/in story, and, in that process, one gains perspective on the meanings of an individual's lived experiences. Ferguson's focus on accessing self-views encompasses "all beliefs and feelings a person holds about herself, including identity, the part of self that tends to be defined by society" (p. 2).