Publication details
Year: 1994
Pages: 305-345
Series: Synthese
Full citation:
, "A nonclassical framework for cognitive science", Synthese 101 (3), 1994, pp. 305-345.
David Marr provided a useful framework for theorizing about cognition within classical, AI-style cognitive science, in terms of three levels of description: the levels of (i) cognitive function, (ii) algorithm and (iii) physical implementation. We generalize this framework: (i) cognitive state transitions, (ii) mathematical/functional design and (iii) physical implementation or realization. Specifying the middle, design level to be the theory of dynamical systems yields a nonclassical, alternative framework that suits (but is not committed to) connectionism. We consider how a brain's (or a network's) being a dynamical system might be the key both to its realizing various essential features of cognition — productivity, systematicity, structure-sensitive processing, syntax — and also to a non-classical solution of (frame-type) problems plaguing classical cognitive science.
Publication details
Year: 1994
Pages: 305-345
Series: Synthese
Full citation:
, "A nonclassical framework for cognitive science", Synthese 101 (3), 1994, pp. 305-345.