Catalogue > Serials > Journal > Journal Issue > Journal article

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Year: 2010

Series: Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte

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Emiliano Acosta, "Fichte y el Nacionalsolipsismo", Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 1, 2010.


In this paper I analyse some fundamental points of Fichte's theory of intersubjectivity in order to show that the well-know criticism against Fichte's philosophy, according to which Fichte's doctrine of knowledge cannot solve the problem of solipsism, i) is based on a confusion between theoretical and practical solipsism and ii) does not take into account Fichte's definition of solipsism. Indeed, solipsism is for Fichte a practical philosophy category and therefore the solution to the problem of solipsism must be, as I show hereby, an individual and social emancipatory praxis.

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Publication details

Year: 2010

Series: Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte

Full citation:

Emiliano Acosta, "Fichte y el Nacionalsolipsismo", Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 1, 2010.