The grammar of transcendence
pp. 25-36
in: Jeremiah Hackett, Jerald Wallulis (eds), Philosophy of religion for a new century, Berlin, Springer, 2004Abstract
We are gathered here at the University of South Carolina to pay tribute to Professor Eugene Long in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the discipline of philosophy. His area of specialization, the philosophy of religion, is more viable and more vibrant today as a result of his teaching and research over the years. In the classroom and in his publications Professor Long has revitalized issues that have been part of the history of philosophy of religion and theology while at the same time opening new perspectives in response to current critical concerns. I wish to thank the University of South Carolina, and specifically the principal organizers of the conference on the occasion of Professor Long's retirement, Professors Jerald Wallulis and Jeremiah Hackett, for their invitation to be part of this august assembly.