Alfred Schütz
Husserl's idea of rigorous science and its relevance for the human and social sciences
in: The subject(s) of phenomenology, Berlin,
The Golden age of phenomenology
at the New school for social research, 1954–1973
in: The reception of Husserlian phenomenology in North America, Berlin,
The history of the Husserl archives established in memory of Alfred Schutz at the New school for social research
in: The reception of Husserlian phenomenology in North America, Berlin,
Alfred Schutz's fragments on social roles as a phenomenological alternate to mainstream sociology
Human Studies 42 (3)
The a priori critique of the possibility of a phenomenology of religion
a response to the special issue on "Schutz and religion"
Human Studies 42 (4)
Reflections on the meanings of religious violence
a phenomenological exploration
in: Violence and meaning, Basingstoke,