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Wolff-Michael Roth

5 Publications

Signs of signification

Norma Presmeg, Luis Radford, Wolff-Michael Roth, Gert Kadunz (eds)

Springer - Berlin


This book discusses a significant area of mathematics education research in the last two decades and presents the types of semiotic theories that are employed in mathematics education. Following on the summary of significant issues presented in the Topical Survey, Semiotics in Mathematics Education, this book not only introduces readers to semiotics as the science of signs, but it also elaborates on issues that were highlighted in the Topical Survey.

Understanding educational psychology

Wolff-Michael RothAlfredo Jornet

Springer - Berlin


This book takes up the agenda of the late (but unknown) L. S.

The mathematics of mathematics

Wolff-Michael Roth

SensePublishers - Rotterdam


This book takes up where L. S.

Rigorous data analysis

Wolff-Michael Roth

Springer - Berlin


On meaning and mental representation

Wolff-Michael Roth

Springer - Berlin


5 Publications